M.U.S.T. Successfully Held the 30th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering
The 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER), hosted by the IEEE Computer Society and organized by the Macau University of Science and Technology, was held at Hotel Okura, Macau from March 21 to 24, 2023. Nearly 200 domestic and foreign scholars in the field of software engineering participated in the conference.
The conference is the flagship conference in the field of software maintenance and evolution. It is listed as a Rank A conference in the conference ranking of the Computing Research and Education Association of Australia and is also a Rank B high-level international conference recommended by the China Computer Federation (CCF). The conference was chaired by Associate Professor Tao Zhang from the School of Computer Science and Engineering of Macau University of Science and Technology. Dr. Xin Xia, Director of Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology Laboratory, and Associate Professor Nicole Novielli from the University of Bari in Italy served as the program committee chairmen. In addition, Professor Jianqing Li, Assistant Director of the School of Computer Science and Engineering of Macau University of Science and Technology, and Assistant Professor Peng Yuyang served as the local chairs. Moreover, Associate Professor Rubing Huang served as the financial chair. The conference received a total of 207 regular research papers, which is the highest number of submissions in the past five years. Finally, 56 papers were accepted, with an acceptance rate of 27%. A total of 5 papers were selected for the IEEE Computer Society TCSE Outstanding Paper Award. The conference was opened by the general chair, Associate Professor Tao Zhang, and the program committee co-chair, Dr. Xin Xia. The conference covered 21 parallel sessions and 3 workshops. The conference invited four outstanding domestic and foreign scientists in the field of software engineering to give keynote speeches. They are Professor Lu Zhang from Peking University, Professor Zhendong Su from ETH Zurich, Dr. Nachiappan Nagappan, a research scientist from Meta, and Professor Massimiliano Di Penta from University of Sannio.
This international conference is one of the important academic activities held by Macau University of Science and Technology on its 23rd anniversary, and it is also the first time that Macau University of Science and Technology holds a Rank B flagship conference recommended by CCF. The holding of the conference has greatly improved the influence and reputation of Macau University of Science and Technology in the field of software engineering, promoted domestic and foreign academic exchanges, strengthened the university's further understanding and communication with domestic and foreign first-class universities, and laid a foundation for further cooperation.
Welcome Speech by the General Chair Prof. Tao Zhang
Keynote Speaker Prof. Lu Zhang
Q & A Session