Professor Zhou Xiangyu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences visited M.U.S.T.

On the afternoon of August 12, 2024, Professor Zhou Xiangyu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited Macau University of Science and Technology. He was warmly received by Professor Qian Tao, Director of the Macau Centre for Mathematical Sciences of Macau University of Science and Technology, and Associate Professor Xiao Xuanxuan, Assistant Director of the Macau Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

Academician Zhou Xiangyu is mainly engaged in research in the field of several complex variables. He has been exploring in this field for a long time and has created his own methods to solve some difficult and famous problems. He solved the long-standing problem of the extended future tube conjecture, which asserts that the extended future tube is a domain of holomorphy. For the invariant orbit domain of general compact Lie groups, Professor Zhou Xiangyu provided a criterion for the holomorphic bundles to be single-valued, addressing the fundamental issue of single-valuedness in several complex variables. Zhou Xiangyu collaborated with others to solve the L2 extension theorem with optimal constant problem, which consequently resolved the famous Suita conjecture that was posed forty years ago.

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Academician Zhou Xiangyu was giving a report

Academician Zhou Xiangyu gave a report titled "Several Complex Variables – a brief introduction" to the teachers and students of Macau University of Science and Technology. Starting from the Shang Gao proof of the Pythagorean theorem, he sorted out the history and current situation of the development of several complex variables, including Levi's problem, Cousin's first and second problems and other important issues in several complex variables. Academician Zhou introduced the new progress he has solved to extended future tube conjecture and some important issues in several complex variables.

After the lecture, the host and guests engaged in an inquisitive academic discussion.