Power Electronics Laboratory


Building C, 4th floor, C401 (Room A)

Brief introduction:

The main research directions of the Electronic Power Laboratory are electronic circuit technology, high-frequency power electronic converters, soft switching technology, renewable energy generation technology, etc.


Professor Xiaodong Li (xdli@must.edu.mo, Profile),

Assistant Professor Chuan Sun (csun@must.edu.mo, Personal Website)

Main equipment:

DSO-X 3024A digital storage oscilloscope, EA-PSB 10750-12 DC power supply, EA-PS 9500-10 DC power supply, BK8510 signal generator, TG1000 function generator, EA-EL 9750-60 B electronic load, WT500 power analyzer, Agilent N2791A voltage probe, Agilent current probe, BK889B desktop digital multimeter, and various electronic components.

The main research projects include:

  1. Researches on hybrid resonant converters with wide voltage gain: topology, modeling, and control strategies 2023.09~2026.09

  2. Researches on dynamic control of solid-state transformer based on bidirectional resonant converter 2022.09~2025.09

  3. A concentrated solar thermo-electric generation system 2019.09~2022.09

  4. New control schemes for a semi-dual-bridge dc-dc converter 2018.09~2021.09

  5. Transient modulation of a dual-active-bridge converter under multiple phase-shift control 2017.09~2020.09

  6. A new dual asymmetric pulse width modulation scheme for full bridge dc/dc converters 2015.09~2018.09

  7. New Gating Signal Modulation Schemes for the LLC-type Dual-Bridge Resonant Converter 2013.09~2016.09

  8. Dual-Bridge Soft-Switched High Frequency Isolated LLC Resonant Converter 2011.09~2014.09