Feng Li
Associate Professor
Department: School of Computer Science and Engineering
Tel.: 8897 2824
Office: A315
E-mail: lfeng@must.edu.mo

Academic Qualification

Ph.D. in Macau University of Science and Technology

M.Phil in The University of Hong Kong

Bachelor in Shandong University


Teaching Area


Linear Algebra

Stochastic Processes


Research Area

Internet of Things (IoT)

Machine Learning and Its Applications

Wireless Communications and Networking

Performance Analysis


Working Experience

Jul. 2018 ~ present, Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Innovation Engineering, MUST

Jul. 2013 ~ Jun. 2018, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information Technology, MUST

Sep.2007 ~ Jun. 2013, Lecturer, Faculty of Information Technology, MUST


Academic Publication (selected)

1.          Qinglin Zhao, Li Feng, MengChu Zhou, Di Wu, Xiaofen Wang, and Peiyun Zhang, Full-Duplex Time-Domain Contention for WiFi Networks: Opportunities and Challenges, IEEE Wireless Communications, Accepted.

2.          Yulei Wang, Qinglin Zhao, Shumin Yao, MengChu Zhou, Li Feng, and Peiyun Zhang, Analytical Modeling of Location and Contention Randomness for Node-Assisted WiFi Backscatter Communication, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 11(13). July, 2024.

3.          Qinglin Zhao, Tong Jin, Fangxin Xu, Lian Zhao, Li Feng, Yong Liang, Contention with Collision Detection in Wireless Full-duplex Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 11(6), March, 2024.

4.          Laisen Nie, Xiaojie Wang, Qinglin Zhao, Zhigang Shang, Li Feng, and Guojun Li, Digital Twin for Transportation Big Data: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Network Traffic Prediction Approach, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(1), January, 2024.

5.          Li Feng, Qinglin Zhao, Hong Liang, Shuang Gao, Kan Xie, Jian Li, Liangyu Lin, Yuqiang Chen, Throughput analysis of frequency-domain contention under realistic conditions for hyperautomation, Enterprise Information Systems, Vol. 17, Issue 10, 2023.

6.          Qinglin Zhao, Guangcheng Li, Jincheng Cai, MengChu Zhou, Li Feng, A Tutorial on Internet of Behaviors: Concept, Architecture, Technology, Applications, and Challenges. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials 25(2): 1227-1260, 2023.

7.          Yungui Chen, Li Feng, Hong Liang, Shumin Yao, Liwei Tian, Xiaochen Yuan, RS-chain: a decentralized reputation-sharing framework for group buying industry via hybrid blockchain, Cluster Computing, 25, 4617-4632, 2022.

8.          Li Feng, Qinglin Zhao, Yu Zeng, Mianxiong Dong, et al., M-T2F: A High-Efficient Contention Protocol for Wireless Networking in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 9(6): 3860-3869, 2022.

9.          Shumin Yao, Li Feng, Qinglin Zhao, Qiyu Yang, Yong Liang, ERFR-CTC: Exploiting Residual Frequency Resources in Physical-Level Cross-Technology Communication, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(7): 6062-6076, 2021.

10.      Hong Liang, Li Feng, Fangxin Xu, Guangcheng Li, Jie Xu, Yuqiang Chen, A Novel CFN-Watchdog Protocol for Edge Computing, Applied Soft Computing, 113, 2021.

11.      Qinglin Zhao, Li Feng, Lian Zhao, Kan Xie and Yong Liang, Backoff Entropy: Predicting Presaturation Peak for IEEE 802.11 DCF Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(2): 1901-1912, 2021.

12.      Shumin Yao, Li Feng, Jing Zhao, Qinglin Zhao, Qiyu Yang, and Wenchao Jiang, PatternBee: Enabling ZigBee-to-BLE Direct Communication by Offset Resistant Patterns, IEEE Wireless Communications, 28(3): 130-137, 2021.

13.      Zhimin Wang, Qinglin Zhao, Li Feng, and Fangxin Xu, How Much Benefit Can Dynamic Frequency Scaling Bring to WiFi?, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 20(3): 1046 -1063, 2021.

14.      Zhimin Wang, Li Feng, Shumin Yao, Kan Xie, Yuqiang Chen: Low-Cost and Long-Range Node-Assisted WiFi Backscatter Communication for 5G-Enabled IoT Networks. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2021: 8540457:1-8540457:9 (2021)

15.      Li Feng, Yi Liu, Jianlan Guo, Yuqiang Chen: Predicting impact of Hitchhike on coexisted heterogeneous IoT networks. Appl. Soft Comput. 110: 107741 (2021)

16.      Fangxin Xu, Qinglin Zhao, Li Feng, Chao Yang, Jie Yang, Tong Jin, Hong Liang: A Novel Successive-Interference-Cancellation- Aware Design for Wireless Networks Using Software-Defined Networking. IEEE Access 9: 124861-124872 (2021)

17.      Guang Yang, Xiufang Shi, Li Feng, Shibo He, Zhiguo Shi, Jiming Chen: CEDAR: A Cost-Effective Crowdsensing System for Detecting and Localizing Drones. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 19(9): 2028-2043 (2020).

18.      Li Feng, Qinglin Zhao, Zhiguo Shi, Zhenni Li and Yong Liang, Modeling the Impact of the MoreData Parameter for Wireless Power-Saving Protocols, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 4(4): 1061-1071, Dec. 2020.

19.      Qinglin Zhao, Li Feng, Lian Zhao, Zhenni Li and Yong Liang, SatOpt Partition: Dividing Throughput-Stability Region for IEEE 802.11 DCF Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(9): 10278-10290, Sep. 2020.

20.      Zhijie Ma, Li Feng, Zhimin Wang: Supporting Asymmetric Transmission for Full-Duplex Smart-Home Networks. IEEE Access 7: 34807-34822 (2019)

21.      Zhijie Ma, Li Feng, Fangxin Xu: Design and Analysis of a Distributed and Demand-Based Backscatter MAC Protocol for Internet of Things Networks. IEEE Internet Things J. 6(1): 1246-1256 (2019)

22.      Chaoqun Yang, Li Feng, Zhiguo Shi, Rongxing Lu, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo: A Crowdsensing-based Cyber-physical System for Drone Surveillance Using Random Finite Set Theory. ACM Trans. Cyber Phys. Syst. 3(4): 42:1-42:22 (2019)

23.      Li Feng, Jie Yang: A Novel Analysis of Delay and Power Consumption for Polling With PHY-Assisted Power Management. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 65(4): 3610-3620 (2018)

24.      Chaoqun Yang, Li Feng, Heng Zhang, Shibo He, Zhiguo Shi: A Novel Data Fusion Algorithm to Combat False Data Injection Attacks in Networked Radar Systems. IEEE Trans. Signal Inf. Process. over Networks 4(1): 125-136 (2018)

25.      Li Feng, Jiguo Yu, Xiuzhen Cheng, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: A novel contention-on-demand design for WiFi hotspots. Pers. Ubiquitous Comput. 20(5): 705-716 (2016)

26.      Li Feng, Jianqing Li: Integer-multiple-spacing-based scheduling for multimedia applications in IEEE 802.11e HCCA wireless networks. Comput. Networks 56(17): 3767-3782 (2012)



A Novel MAC Design for Wireless Hot-Spot Networks, US Patent 9,743,309 B2 and Australian patent 2015101690.

System Parameter Optimization for Delayed Channel Access Protocol, US Patent 9,769,849 B2 and Australian patent 2015101207.

A Novel Delay Analysis System and Method for a Polling Protocol with Power Management, Australia patent 2016102019.

Packetusher: Accelerating Computer-Intensive Packet Processing, US Patent 9,961,002 B2 and Australia patent 2015101807.

A High-Efficient Packet I/O Engine for Commodity PC, US Patent 10,001,930 B2 and Australia patent 2015101806.


Professional Certification and Awards

BOC Excellent Research Award in 2018