所在部門 工程科學系
辦公室 A303a
電子信箱 zjli@must.edu.mo

Academic Qualification

Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA

Master in Structural Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA

Bachelor in Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.


Teaching Area


Smart materials

Technical writing in English


Research Area

Durability of concrete;

Organic materials modified high toughness concrete;

Nondestructive testing in civil engineering;

Low/negative carbon building products

Functional materials in civil engineering  

Sustainable building materials developemt

Professional Services

Honorary Chair of China Group of International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM)

Independent Director, D&G Technology Holding Company Ltd. 2015-Present

Founding President, American Concrete Institute China Chapter (2003 to 2004)

ISO TC 71 Committee for Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, and Prestressed Concrete

Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (2007-present)

Fib working group for fire design of concrete structures (2002-2010)

Academic Committee: State Key Concrete Laboratory in China (2001-2004)

Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Materials Division (1998 to 2005)

Hong Kong Standing Committee on Concrete Technology (2004-2010)

Appeal Tribunal Panel, HKSAR (2009-2016)

Academic Committee, State Key Advanced Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory, (2009-present)

Academic Committee, State Key Silicate Materials Laboratory in China (2011-present)

Academic Committee, State Key Green Building Materials Laboratory in China (2007-2010)

Academic Committee, Jiangsu Key Building Materials Laboratory, (2007-present)

Chairman, Academic Committee, Sichuan Key Building Materials Laboratory (2007-2010)

Chairman, Academic Committee, Guangzhou Key Building Materials Laboratory (2007-2010)

Academic Committee, Tongji University MOE Key Building Materials Laboratory in China (2011-present)

Chairman, Advisory Committee, Admixture Application Sub-Association, China Concrete and Precast Association (2014-2017)

Editorial Advisory Committee, Journal of Cement, Concrete and Composite

Editorial Board, Journal of Computer and Concrete

Editorial Board, International Journal of Mechanics and Solids

Editorial Board, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China

Editorial Board, The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal

Editorial Board, International Journal of Korea Concrete Institute

Working Experience

Sept. 2022 ~ present, Chair Professor, Dept. of Engineering Science, Faculty of Innovation Engineering, MUST

Jan. 2017 ~ Aug. 2022, Chair Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, UM

Jul. 2006 ~ Dec. 2016 Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

Jan. 2009 ~ Dec. 2013    Chief Scientist of China 973 National Key Research project, “Basic Study on Environmentally Friendly Contemporary Concrete”.

Aug. 2003~ Jul. 2007      Associate Dean, School of Engineering, HKUST

Aug. 2005~ Jul. 2007     Director, PG Program of Nano-Science and Nano-Technology

Jul. 2002~ Jun. 2006       Associate Professor (A), Dept. of Civil Engineering, HKUST

Jan. 2000~ Jun. 2002      Associate Professor (B), Dept. of Civil Engineering, HKUST

Jul. 1994~ Dec. 1999      Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, HKUST

Oct. 1993~ Jun. 1994      Research Associate, NSF ACBM Center, Northwestern University, U.S.A.

Jun.1986- Feb. 1988       Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, U.S.A.

Aug.1982- May1986       Instructor, Shandong Institute of Civil and Architectural Engineering, China.


Academic Publication (selected. Over 400 papers published. Google scholar citations 32011 H-index 97)

1.          Qing Liu, Yunjian Li, Qiao Wang, Miaomiao Wang, Zongjin Li and Guoqing Geng, Strengthening cement paste via organic‑inorganic network formation, Materials and Structures 57:137, June 2024.

2.          Xing Ming, Wen Si, Qinglu Yu, Zhaoyang Sun, Guotao Qiu, Mingli Cao, Yunjian Li and Zongjin Li, Molecular insight into the initial hydration of tricalcium aluminate, Nature Communications, 15:2929, April 2024.

3.          Fen Hong, Chengbo Liu, Muhan Wang, Xiang Ji, Meng Wang, Zongjin Li, Dongshuai Hou, Mengmeng Li, Molecular dynamics study of surface alkalization reaction in high calcium systems, Journal of Building Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2024.109475, April 2024.

4.          MuhanWang, Xiang Ji, Hegoi Manzano, Dongshuai Hou, Zongjin Li, Unlocking cementitious performance: nano-lubrication via polycarboxylate superplasticizers, J Am Ceram Soc. 2024;107:3055–3067, 2024

5.          Qing Liu, Xing Ming, Jianyu Xu, Dongshuai Hou, Guoxing Sun, Zongjin Li, Robust cement composite with low hydration temperature and high mechanical performance achieved by Field’s metal and acrylic acid-acrylamide copolymer, Construction and Building Materials, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.131655, May. 2023.

6.          Yunjian Li, Zhaoyang Sun, Zhenning Li, Binmeng Chen, Zongjin Li, Dimeric and oligomeric interactions between calcium silicate aqua monomers before calcium silicate hydrate nucleation, Cement and Concrete Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconres.2023.107297, Aug. 2023.

7.          Xiangpeng Cao, Shiheng Yu, Hongzhi Cui, Zongjin Li, In-situ coating technique for rebar installation for 3D-printed reinforced concrete, Construction and Building Materials 397 (2023) 132310, Jul. 2023.

8.          Yunjian Li, Hui Pan, Zongjin Li, Unravelling the dissolution dynamics of silicate minerals by deep learning molecular dynamics simulation: A case of dicalcium silicate, Cement and Concrete Research 165 (2023) 107092, January 2023.

9.          Hongyu Shao, Yongquan Lin, Zongjin Li, Shengwen Tang, Guixi Ge, Study the impedance spectroscopy of early-age cement paste hydration process using Electrodeless impedance analyzer (EIA), Construction and Building Materials 368 (2023) 130439, Jan. 2023.

10.      Guotao Qiu, Zongjin Li, Kun Zhou and Yongqing Cai, Flexomagnetic noncollinear state with a plumb line shape spin configuration in edged two-dimensional magnetic CrI3, npj Quantum Materials (2023) 8:15, 2023.

11.      Li, Yunjian, Pan, Hui, Liu, Qing, Ming, Xing, Li, Zongjin, ‘Ab initio mechanism revealing for tricalcium silicate dissolution’, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 13(1):1-10, March 2022.

12.      Li, Yunjian, Pan, Hui, Li, Zongjin, ‘Ab initio metadynamics simulations on the formation of calcium silicate aqua complexes prior to the nuleation of calcium silicate hydrate’, CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH, 156:106767, June 2022.

13.      Liu, Renjun, Liu, Qing, He, Dan, Sun, Guoxing, Li, Zongjin, Zhu, Yu, ‘Enhancement of the piezoelectric property of polyvinylidene fluoride through electroactive phase enrichment and the application in piezoelectric generators’, ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 3(4):1804-1812, March 2021.

14.      320. Chen, Binmeng, Qiao, Gang, Hou, Dongshuai, Wang, Muhan, Li, Zongjin, ‘Cement-based material modified by in-situ polymerization: From experiments to molecular dynamics investigation’, COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, 194:108036, Aug 2020.

15.      Li, Zongjin, Zhou, Xiangming, Ma, Hongyan, Hou, Dongshuai, “Advanced Concrete Technology 2nd Edition”, John Wiley and Sons, pp 611, 2023.

Research Grants

2019 -- 2021    Innovative Processing Technology for Crack-Resistant Concrete", FDCT0083/2018/A2,  澳门科学技术发展基金(FDCT),Macau.

2019-- 2022    课题二:跨海集群设施服役状态评估及智能维养技术与装备", GP-004-2019 (2019YFB1600702), 政府项目-国家重点研发计划 “综合交通运输与智能交通”重点专项,  

2021 -- 2024    “超吸水水凝膠改性的耐沖刷水工混凝土 Superabsorbent hydrogel modified scour-resistant hydraulic concrete", 0138/2020/A3, 澳门科学技术发展基金(FDCT), Macau.                                 

2023 -- 2026    “隔熱防腐抗霉新型無機多功能塗料開發與應用”,  0147/2022/A3, 澳门科学技术发展基金(FDCT), Macau.                                        

2023 -- 2026   “濱海地區廢棄混凝土再生設計理論與應用關鍵技術”, 0096/2023/AFJ, 澳门科学技术发展基金(FDCT), Macau.



1.     Li, Zongjin, Chau, C. K., Ma, Baoguo, and Li, Faming, "New natural polymer based    durability enhancement admixture and corresponding concretes made with the       admixture", US Patent No. 6,153,006. Nov. 2000.

2.     Ma, Baoguo, Li, Zongjin, and Li, Yongxin, “Manufacture technique of a highly activated concrete mineral admixture”.  Chinese patent CN 1262254A, 2002.

3.     Li, Zongjin and Li Wenlai, “No-Contacting Method for Resistivity measurement of Concrete Specimen”. US Patent, US 663941, Nov. 2003.

4.     Zhen HE, Li Zongjin, Li, Wenlai, “The automatic monitoring system for testing restrained shrinkage cracking with ellipse ring”, China patent, ZL 02 84045.1, 2004.

5.     李宗津 , 李文莱, ‘测量样品电阻率的装置和方法’,CN1230675 C,2003.

6.     Shen, Ping, Tse, Man, Chan, Che Ting, Zhang, Xixiang, Li, Zongjin, Cue, Nelson, and Wen, Weijia, “Acoustic attenuation materials”, US7249653 B2, 2007.

7.     龚红宇、李宗津、张玉军,锆钛酸铅/水泥压电复合材料及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 200710014519.5.

8.     李宗津、龚红宇、张玉军,碳增效锆钛酸铅/水泥压电复合材料及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 200710014518.0.

9.     张玉军, 李宗津, 范润华, 龚红宇, “Carbon enhanced lead zirconate titanate/cement piezoelectricity composite material and preparation method thereof”, CN100457670C, 2009.

10.   Li, Zongjin, Ma, Hongyan, “Preparation method of a magnesium phosphate cement based bipolar plate for PEMFC”, US61/344415, 2010.

11.   张云升, 马立国 ,宋鲁光, 李宗津. ‘拉应力作用下混凝土渗透系数测试装置及测试方法’,101482477A,2010.

12.   张玉军, 李宗津, 龚红宇, “Nano lead zirconate titanate/cement piezoelectricity composite material and preparation method thereof”, CN100432002C, 2012

13.   张博, 李宗津, 秦磊, 陆有源, “Traffic monitoring beam, traffic road structure and dynamic traffic monitoring system” Chinese patent, CN202369941U, 2012.

14.   李宗津, 秦磊, 陆有源, “Sensor and concrete structure hydration and damage monitoring system”, Chinese patent, CN202305478U, 2012.

15.   刘志勇, 张云升,张文华,李宗津. ‘高温环境混凝土形成过程中电阻率变化的测量装置与方法’,102226824A,2013.

16.   李宗津, 张津瑞, 陆有源, 沈震远, 芦泽宇, “一种用于实时监测铁轨裂缝及损伤的系统及方法”, CN 103847761 A, 2014.

17.   Li, Zongjin, Lu, Youyuan, Tang, Shengwen, “On Site Hydration Monitoring and Damage Detection System for Concrete (基於嵌入式水泥基壓電複合材料換能器的混凝土結構水化過程及破壞過程監測系統)”, Chinese patent, ZL201210117329.7, 2015.

18.   Li, Zongjin, Tang, Shengwen, Lu, Youyuan, “Pore structure analyzer based on non-contact impedance measurement for cement-based materials”, US 9488635 B2, Nov. 2016.

19.   Yuan, Caideng,Chen, Guohua, Zhang Xixiang, Li, Zongjin and Liu, Zhimeng, “Method for preparing aqueous polyacrylate modified polyurethane dispersions”, US 9234068, USA patent, 2016.

20.   Li, Zongjin, Xu, Biwan, Tian, Ye, Zhu, Honggang, “Advanced inorganic thermal insulation material”, US Patent, US 9340971, 2016.

21.   Li, Zongjin, Sun, Guoxing, ‘Tricalcium Silicate Reinforced Polyacrylamide Nanocomposite Hydrogels’. US/62/179,184, Provisional, 30 April 2016.

22.   李宗津, 陆有源, 张津瑞. ‘一种用于混凝土结构健康监测的球形智能骨料’,申请号:2016104407139.

23.   李宗津, 陆有源, 覃道鼎. ‘水泥基材料的材料参数的检测方法及设备’,申请号:2016104412940.

24.   Li, Zongjin, Ma, Hongyan, Hao, Wenbin, “Magnesium phosphate cement based bipolar plate composite material”, US patent, US9774043B2, 2017.

25.   李宗津,孙国星. 纳米复合水凝胶材料及制备方法. Chinese Full Patent Application No. 201710342113.3.

26.   Li, Zongjin, Diao, Su, Hanif, Asad, Pei, Huafu, Sun, Guoxing, “Vertical axis aerogenerator”, Chinese patent, CN105715456B, 2018.

27.   李宗津, 刁谡, 阿萨德·哈尼夫, 裴华富, 孙国星, 中国香港九龙,‘垂直轴风力发电机’- 专利号ZL201510552718.6, 2018年12月28日. 授权公告号: CN 105715456 B.

28.   李宗津, 曹香鹏.‘一种基于管道运输的双离子层润滑结构、设备及润滑方法’申请号:2018104417271

29.   李宗津, 曹香鹏.  ‘一种双离子层润滑结构、设备及润滑方法’,申请号:2018104413656.

30.   李宗津, 曹香鹏.  ‘一种离子层润滑结构、挤出头、设备及润滑方法’,申请号:2018104415045.

31.   李宗津, 曹香鹏.  ‘一种基于管道运输的双离子层润滑结构及设备’,申请号:2018206910625.

32.   李宗津, 曹香鹏.  ‘一种离子层润滑结构、挤出头及设备’,申请号:2018206915120,授权,CN 208182201 U.

33.   李宗津,曹香鹏, 刘超, 金南国, 田野, 高荣森. ‘基于磁场的混凝土中钢筋锈蚀无损动态监测传感器及系统’,申请号:2018112132160.

34.   付传清, 李宗津, 金贤玉, 闫东明, 裴华富. ‘荷载作用混凝土孔结构演化原位监测方法与试验装置’,CN 105466833 B, 2018.

35.   付传清, 李宗津, 金贤玉, 闫东明,张昀,屠一军. ‘非接触式阻抗法测定混凝土连通孔隙率的方法与试验装置’,105424578B,2018.

36.   Sun, Guoxing, Hu, Xiaosai Li, Zongjin, 高分子導電水凝膠材料及製備方法. Chinese Full Patent Application No. 201910239903.8.

37.   Sun, Guoxing, Hu, Xiaosai Li, Zongjin. 一種超吸水水凝膠材料及其製備方法和應用. Chinese Full Patent Application No. 201910268432.3.

38.   徐翔波, 金祖权, 王鹏刚, 熊传胜, 李宗津, 宋华苗, 李哲. ‘一种采集锈蚀钢筋电磁传感器信号的便携装置’,CN 209356451 U, 2019.

39.   徐翔波, 金祖权, 王鹏刚, 熊传胜, 李宗津, 宋华苗, 李哲. ‘一种采集锈蚀钢筋电磁传感器信号的便携装置及使用方法’,申请号:2019100421431.

40.   李宗津,孙国星,陈斌猛,梁瑞. 一种聚合物水泥基材料及其制备方法与应用. Chinese Full Patent Application No. 202010274758.X.

41.   李宗津,孙国星,梁瑞,刘庆. 高抗折水泥基材料及其制备方法. Chinese Full Patent Application No. 202010358001.9.

42.   孙国星,贺丹,李宗津. 一种填充了离子液体作为聚羧酸酯类减水剂专用牺牲剂的水泥基浆料及其制备方法. Chinese Full Patent Application No. 202010416779.0.


Professional Certification and Awards


The second-class Award of Natural Science, Mechanism and Function Design of Building Structure Energy Storage, Guangdong Province, 2018. (广东省自然科学二等奖,广东省科技厅)

The second-class Award of Science and Technology, The Association of Building Materials of China, 2018 (建筑材料科学技术二等奖, 中国建筑材料联合会).

Arthur R. Anderson Medal. American Concrete Institute, 2017

Distinguished Visiting Fellowship Award, Royal Academy of Engineering, UK, 2013.

Honorary Member, American Concrete Institute, 2023.

Fellow, American Concrete Institute, 2012.

The Study on design theory, processing technique, and forming mechanism of geopolymer structural materials, The second-class Award of Natural Science, The Education Ministry, China, 2010. (2009-068).


Professional Society Membership

Fellow American Concrete InstituteF