所在部門 計算機科學與工程學院
聯繫電話 8897 2837
辦公室 A319
電子信箱 xplu@must.edu.mo

Academic Qualification

Ph.D. in Computer Technology and Application, M.U.S.T

M.S. in Computational Mathematics, F.D.U

B.S. in Information & Computing Sciences, F.D.U


Teaching Area

Open-Source Tool for Data Science (with support from @DataCamp)

Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics (Inverse Problem)

Data Science (for Bachelor)


Research Area

Machine Learning and its applications (Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning)

Data Science

High Performance Computing

Inverse Problem


Working Experience

2007 -- Present M.U.S.T.

2018.1-3:  Scholar Visitor in UCLA, USA

2011.7-8:  Short-Term Visiting in Tampere University of Technology, Finland


Academic Publication (selected)

1.          Huang Yulin, Wan Xiaoxiao, Zhang Lin, Lu Xiao-Ping*. A novel deep reinforcement learning framework with BiLSTM-Attention networks for algorithmic trading. Expert Systems with Applications. 240:122581, 2024.

2.          Lu Xiao-Ping*, Zhang Yongxiong, Zhao Haibin, Zheng Hua, Di Kaichang. Modeling Binary Asteroids: Integrating Orbital and Rotational Motion for Physical Property Inversion. The Astrophysical Journal. 961:154, 2024.

3.          Huang Yulin, Zhou Chujin, Cui Kai, Lu Xiao-Ping*. A Multi-agent reinforcement learning framework for optimizing financial trading strategies based on TimesNet. Expert Systems with Applications. 237:121502, 2023.

4.          Huang Yulin, Lu Xiao-Ping*, Zhou Chujin, Song Yunlin. DADE-DQN: Dual Action and Dual Environment Deep Q-Network for Enhancing Stock Trading Strategy. Mathematics. 11(17):3626, 2023.

5.          Zhang Yongxiong, Zheng Hua, Lu Xiao-Ping*, Vong Seakweng. Modulus-based synchronous multisplitting iteration methods without auxiliary variable for solving vertical linear complementarity problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Vol. 458, P. 128248, 2023.

6.          Zhang Yongxiong, Zheng Hua, Vong Seakweng, Lu Xiao-Ping*. Two-step parallel iteration method for large sparse horizontal linear complementarity problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Vol.438, P.127609, 2023.

7.          Zhang Yongxiong, Lu, Xiao-Ping*, Guo Tan, Li Xinran. Fast asteroidal period inversion by parallel acceleration-based three-step reduced voting. Advances in Space Research. Vol.71, No.8, P.3479, 2023.

8.          Guo Tan, Lu Xiao-Ping*, Yu Keping, Zhang Yong-Xiong, Wei Wei. Integration of Light Curve Brightness Information and Layered Discriminative Constrained Energy Minimization for Automatic Binary Asteroid Detection. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. Vol.58, No.6, P.4984, 2022.

9.          Guo Tan, Lu, Xiao-Ping*, Zhang Yongxiong, Yu Keping. Neighboring Discriminant Component Analysis for Asteroid Spectrum Classification. Remote Sensing. Vol.13, P3306, 2021.

10.      Hui-Jie Han, Xiao-Ping Lu*, Ya-Zhou Yang, Hao Zhang and Admire Muchimamui Mutelo. Study of the Modified Gaussian Model on olivine diagnostic spectral features and its applications in space weathering experiments. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 21, No.5, 2021.

11.      Hui-Jie Han, Xiao-Ping Lu*, Te Jiang, Chih-Hao Hsia, Ya-Zhou Yang, Peng-Fei Zhang, Hao Zhang. Spectral deconvolution analysis on Olivine-Orthopyroxene mixtures with simulated space weathering modifications. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 20, No. 8, P.129, 2020.

12.      Xiao-Ping Lu, David Jewitt. Dependence of Light Curves on Phase Angle and Asteroid Shape. The Astronomical Journal. 158:220, 2019.

13.      Cellino, D. Hestroffer, Xiao-Ping Lu, K. Muinonen, P. Tanga. Inversion of HIPPARCOS and Gaia photometric data for asteroids - Asteroid rotational properties from sparse photometric data. Astronomy & Astrophysics. Vol.631, A67, 2019.

14.      Lu Xiaoping, Huang XiangJie, Ip WingHuen, Hsia ChiHao. Lebedev acceleration and comparison of different photometric models in the inversion of lightcurves for asteroids. Planetary and Space Science. Vol. 153, P1-10, 2018.

15.      Huang Xiang-Jie, Lu Xiaoping*, Li Jian-Yang, Mei Bao,Hsia Chih-Hao and Zhao Hai-Bin. Scattering Law Analysis Based on Hapke and Lommel-Seeliger Models for Asteroidal Taxonomy. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 17, No.10, 106, 2017.

16.      Li JianYang, M. Kelley, N. Samarasinha, D. Farnocchia, M. Mutchler, Y. Ren, Lu Xiaoping, D. Tholen, T. Lister, M. Micheli. The unusual apparition of Comet 252P/2000 G1(LINEAR) and comparison with Comet P/2016 BA14(PanSTARRS). The Astronomical Journal. 154:136(16pp), 2017.

17.      Lu Xiaoping, Ip WingHuen, Huang XiangJie, Zhao HaiBin. Analysis for Cellinoid shape model in inverse process from lightcurves. Planetary and Space Science. Vol. 135, P74-85, 2017.

18.      Lu Xiaoping, Cellino Alberto, Hestroffer Daniel, Ip WingHuen. Cellinoid Shape model for Hipparcos Data, Icarus. Vol. 267, P24-33, 2016.

19.      Lu Xiaoping, Ip WingHuen. Cellinoid Shape model for multiple light curves. Planetary and Space Science. Vol. 108, P31-40,2015.

20.      Lu Xiaoping, Zhao Haibin, You Zhong. ‘Cellinoid’ Shape Model for Asteroids. Earth, Moon and Planets.Vol. 112, No. 4, P73-87, 2014.  

21.      Lu Xiaoping, Zhao Haibin, You Zhong. A Fast Ellipsoid Model for Asteroids Inverted From Lightcurves. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol.13, NO. 4, P465-472, 2013.

22.      Lu Xiaoping, Zhao Haibin, You Zhong. Observation Plan for Refining Shape Model. Earth, Moon and Planets. Vol.110, No. 1, P81-89, 2013.

23.      M. Kaasalainen, Lu Xiaoping, A. Vonttinen. Optimal Computation of Brightness Integrals Parametrized on the Unit Sphere. Astronomy & Astrophysics. Vol.539, A96, 2012.


Research Projects

2011.01 -- 2013.12    Astronomical Observations and Space Exploration of Solar system small bodies (FDCT)

2014.10 -- 2017.10    Observation and Research of Asteroidal Lightcurves with Large Scale Sampling (FDCT)

2016.01 -- 2017.12    Scattering Characteristic Research for Asteroids (CAS)

2017.11 -- 2020.12    The Origins of Asteroids of Different Orbital and Taxonomic Types and Their Space Exploration (FDCT)                                    

2018.12 -- 2020.06    Improvement of calculating photometric brightness based on Cellinoid shape model for asteroids (FDCT)                                        

2019.09 -- 2022.09    Identify and classify binary asteroids by machine learning (FDCT)

2021.09 -- 2022.08    Smart Garden Expert Decision System (FDCT-Industry-University-Research Collaboration)

2023.01 -- 2024.12    Deep Learning based Super-Resolution Enhancement for Planetary Remote Sensing Images (FDCT)