Academic Qualification
Ph.D. in Mathematics, West Virginia University, USA, 2020.
Master in Mathematics, South China Agricultural University, China, 2015.
Bachelor in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, South China Normal University, China, 2007
Teaching Area
Linear Algebra
Probability and Statistics
Discrete Mathematics (Undergraduate, 2020-2024)
Research Area
Graph Theory
Matroid Thoery
Working Experience
Assistant Professor, Macau University of Science and Technology, Sep 2020 ~ Present.
Academic Publication
1. Huo.B, Du.Q, Li.P , Y.Wu, Yin.J ,Lai.H. J.(2023). Supereulerian regular matroids without small cocircuits. Journal of Graph Theory.
2. Wei Xiong, Fengxia Liu, Y.Wu, Mingquan Zhan, Hong-Jian Lai, Complete family reduction and spanning connectivity in line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 346, Issue 1, 2023.
3. Lei L , Li X , Tian YZ, Wu Y ,et al.Strengthened Ore conditions for (s, t)-supereulerian graphs[J].Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2022.
4. M.Liu, Y.Wu, H-J.Lai, 2020, Unified Spectral Hamiltonian Results of Balanced Bipartite Graphs and Complementary Graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics volume 36, pages 1363–1390.
5. X.Ma, Y.Wu, M.Zhan, H-J.Lai, On s-hamiltonicity of net-free line graphs, 2021,Discrete Mathematics, Volume 344, Issue 1.
6. R.Liu, H-J.Lai, Y.Tian, Y.Wu,Vertex-connectivity and eigenvalues of graphs with fixed girth, 2019, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 141-149.
7. P.Li, L.Wang, Y.Wu, H-J. Lai, Characterizations of matroids with an element lying in restricted number of circuits, 2019, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 38(3), 887-910.
8. W.Xiong, J.Xu Z.Miao, Y.Wu, H-J.Lai, Supereulerian width of dense graphs, 2017, Discrete Mathematics, Vol 340, Issue 5:2995-3001.
9. H.Li, H-J. Lai, Y.Wu, S.Zhu, 2017, Panconnected Index of Graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol 340, Issue 5:1092-1097.