電子信箱 lfchi@must.edu.mo

Academic Qualification

Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, Max-Planck-Inst. for Biophys. Chem./Goettingen Univ.

Master in Physical Chemistry, Jilin University

Bachelor in Physics, Jilin University


Teaching Area

General physics

Scanning probe microscopy


Research Area

Surface patterning: combination of bottom-up and top-down

Area-selective growth organic molecules: architecture and functions

On-surface reactions: principle and functional materials

Scanning probe microscopy on soft materials: structure and properties


Professional Services

Associate Editor, ACS Nano, since 2023

Associate Editor, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, since 2019


Working Experience

Apr. 2021 ~ present, Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Innovation Engineering, MUST

Apr. 2012 ~ present, Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials, Soochow University

Jan. 2004 ~ Feb. 2014, Professor, Physics Institute, Muenster University

Jan. 2001 ~ Dec. 2003, Private Docent, Physics Institute, Muenster University

Apr. 1993 ~ Dec. 2000, Group leader/Habilitation, Physics Institute, Muenster University (with Prof. Harald Fuchs)

Apr. 1991 ~ Mar. 1993, PostDoc Associate, BASF AG, with Dr. H. Fuchs

Jan. 1990 ~ Mar. 1991, PostDoc Associate, Department of Chemistry, University of Mainz (with Prof. Helmut Ringsdorf)


Academic Publication (selected)

1.          X. C. Li, K. F. Niu, S. Duan, Y. N. Tang, Z. M. Hao, Z. C. Xu, H. T. Ge, J. Rosén, J. Björk*, H. M. Zhang*, X. Xu, L. F. Chi*, “Pyridinic Nitrogen Modification for Selective Acetylenic Homocoupling on Au(111)”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(8) (2023), 4545-4552.

2.          Y. N. Tang, B. Ejlli, K. F. Niu, X. C. Li, Z. M. Hao, C. J. Xu, H. M. Zhang, F. Rominger, J. Freudenberg, B. H. Uwe, and K. Muellen*, L. F. Chi*, “On-Surface Debromination of 2,3-Bis(dibromomethyl)- and 2,3-Bis(bromomethyl)naphthalene: Dimerization or Polymerization?”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 61(30) (2022), e202204123.

3.          X. C. Li, K. F. Niu, J. J. Zhang, X. J. Yu, H. M. Zhang*, Y. M. Wang*, Q. Guo, P. D. Wang, F. S. Li, Z. M. Hao, C. J. Xu, Y. N. Tang, Z. C Xu, S. Lu, P. Liu, G. G. Xue, Y. Wei and L. F. Chi*, “Direct transformation of n -alkane into all- trans conjugated polyene via cascade dehydrogenation”, National Science Review, 8 (2021), nwab093.

4.          Q.G. Zhong, Y.B. Hu, K.F. Niu, H.M. Zhang, B. Yang, D. Ebeling, J. Tschakert, T. Cheng, A. Schirmeisen, A. Narita,* K. Müllen,* L.F. Chi1*, “Benzo-Fused Periacenes or Double Helicenes? Different Cyclodehydrogenation Pathways on Surface and in Solution”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141(18) (2019) 7399-7406.

5.          A. Lv, M. Freitag, K.M. Chepiga, A.H. Schäfer, F. Glorius* and L.F. Chi*, “N-Heterocyclic carbene-treated gold surfaces in pentacene organic field-effect transistors: improved stability and contact at the interface”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57(17) (2018) 4792-4796.

6.          K. Sun, A. Chen, M. liu, H. Zhang*, R. Duan, P. Ji, L. Li, Q. Li, C. Li, D. Zhong, K. Müllen and L.F. Chi*, “Surface-assisted alkane polymerization: Investigation on structure-reactivity relationship”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(14) (2018) 4820-4825.

7.          Q. Zhong, D. Ebeling*, J. Tschakert, Y. Gao, D. Bao, S. Du*, C. Li, L.F. Chi*, A. Schirmeisen, “Symmetry breakdown of 4,4″-diamino-p-terphenyl on a Cu(111) surface by lattice mismatch”, Nature Communications, 9 (2018) 3277

8.          Z. Wang, L. Huang, X. Zhu, X. Zhou and L.F. Chi*, “An ultrasensitive organic semiconductor NO2 sensor based on crystalline TIPS-pentacene films”, Advanced Materials, 29(38) (2017) 1703192

9.          Q. Li, B. Yang, H.P. Lin, N. Aghdassi, K.J. Miao, J.J. Zhang, H.M. Zhang, Y.Y. Li, S. Duhm, J. Fan* and L.F. Chi*, “Surface-controlled mono/diselective ortho C-H bond activation”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(8) (2016) 2809-2814.

10.      H.M. Zhang, Z.M. Gong, K.W. Sun, R.M. Duan, P.H. Ji, L. Li, C. Li, K. Müllen and L.F. Chi*, “Two-dimensional chirality transfer via on-surface reaction”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(36) (2016) 11743-11748.

11.      B. Yang, J. Björk, H.P. Lin, X.Q. Zhang, H.M. Zhang, Y.Y. Li, J. Fan, Q. Li* and L.F. Chi*, “Synthesis of surface covalent organic frameworks via dimerization and cyclotrimerization of acetyls”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(15) (2015) 4904-4907.

12.      H.M. Zhang, H.P. Lin, K.W. Sun, L. Chen, Y. Zagranyarski, N. Aghdassi, S. Duhm, Q. Li, D.Y. Zhong, Y.Y. Li, K. Müllen*, H. Fuchs* and L.F. Chi*, “On-surface synthesis of rylene-type graphene nanoribbons”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(12) (2015) 4022-4025.

13.      L.Q. Li, L. Jiang, W.C. Wang, C. Du, H. Fuchs, W.P. Hu and L.F. Chi*, “High-performance and stable organic transistors and circuits with patterned polypyrrole electrodes”, Advanced Materials, 24(16) (2012) 2159-2164

14.      W.C. Wang and L.F. Chi*, “Area-selective growth of functional molecular Architectures”, Accounts of Chemical Research, 45(10) (2012) 1646-1656.

15.      D.Y. Zhong, J.H. Franke, S.K. Podiyanachari, T. Blömker, H.M. Zhang, G. Kehr, G. Erker*, H. Fuchs* and L.F. Chi*, “Linear alkane polymerization on a gold surface”, Science, 334(6053) (2011) 213-216.

16.      L.Q. Li, P. Gao, K.C. Schuermann, S. Ostendorp, W.C. Wang, C. Du, Y. Lei, H. Fuchs, L. De Cola, K. Müllen* and L.F. Chi*, “Controllable growth and field-effect property of monolayer to multilayer microstripes of an organic semiconductor”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(26) (2010) 8807-8809.

17.      W.C. Wang, D.Y. Zhong, J. Zhu, F. Kalischewski, R.F. Dou, K. Wedeking, Y. Wang, A. Heuer, H. Fuchs, G. Erker and L.F. Chi*, “Patterned nucleation control in vacuum deposition of organic molecules”, Physical Review Letters, 98(22) (2007) 225504.

18.      X.D. Chen, S. Lenhert, M. Hirtz, N. Lu, H. Fuchs and L.F. Chi*, “Langmuir-Blodgett patterning: a bottom-up way to build mesostructures over large areas”, Accounts of Chemical Research, 40(6) (2007) 393-401.

19.      M. Gleiche, L.F. Chi* and H. Fuchs, “Nanoscopic channel lattices with controlled anisotropic wetting”, Nature, 403(6766) (2000) 173-175.

20.      L.F. Chi, M. Anders, H. Fuchs*, R.R. Johnston and H. Ringsdorf, “Domain structures in Langmuir-Blodgett films investigated by atomic force microscopy”, Science, 259(5029) (1993) 213-216.


Research Grants

2022-2024       NSFC/FNRS Transregional Collaborative Research Project, Preparation and Stabilization of Cross Platform Molecular Chiral Interfaces

2018-2022       MOST Major Project, Imaging and spectroscopy of covalent and coordination molecular systems

2017-2021       NSFC Major Project, High resolution characterization and theoretical simulation of graphyne and its nanobelts

2016-2020       NSFC Key project, An integrated system for in-situ real-time measurement and characterization of growth and optoelectronic properties of semiconduct organic molecules

2013-2016       NSFC Key project, from Surface Molecular Self-Assembly to Constructing New Covalent Molecular Architectures

2011-2022       SFB Projekt 858, Universität Münster, Project leader B3

2017-2020       Transregional Collaborative Research Project, Project leader and vice speaker (NSFC/DFG)

2010-2014       EU project, MICROCARE

2008-2016       SFB Transregional Collaborative Research Centre TRR 61: “Multilevel Molecular Assemblies: Structure, Dynamics and Function”, acting as Deputy Spearker and Project B1 and B2

2006-2009       VW Project, Bio-inspired Dye Assemblies for Supramolecular Electronics

2006-2009       BMBF Project, Neue intelligente nannchemische Strukturen für die hochsensitive Diagnostik (INDia)

1999-2005       DFG Key Project, Az.: CH 141/1-2-3, Semiconductive and metallic clusters as building blocks for organized structures”

1997-2008       SFB Project 424, Universität Münster, Molecular orientation as function criteria in chemical systems, Project leader

2000-2003       DFG Project, together with mit Dr. Wiesmann (Klinik and Polyklinic, Univ. Muenster), Bio-inspired development and testing from structured and degradable biopolymeric composites for a guided hard tissues engineering

2000-2005       NRW-CAS project on Nanotechnology

1995-1998       BMBF Projecct, Az.: 622-4003-03N1012C2, Preparation and characterization of one- and two-dimensional metallic and semeconductive nanoclusters

1997-1999       DFG Project 299/5-1, Monomolecular films and their characterization with chemical sensitive scanning probe microscopy

1999                NSFC Joint research project between China and Germany, Physical properties of nanostructured molecular assemblies

1998                NSFC Joint research project between China and Germany, scanning probe microscopy studies on some self-organizing systems

1996-1997       NSFC Joint research project between China and Germany, Organized behaviors of a new kind of amphiphilic polymer




China Patent ZL 2021 1 0464112.2, Xueli Shen, Lifeng Chi, Wenchong Wang, Lizhen Huang, 有机半导体器件原位电学性能监测设备.

China patent, ZL 2017 1 1216696.1, Lifeng Chi, Lizhen Huang, Zi Wang, Xiaofei Zhu, NO2, 化学电阻式气体传感器及其制备方法.

China patent, ZL 2014 1 0070043.7, Lifeng Chi, Wenchong Wang, 一种原位形貌和光学性能监控蒸发源及真空沉积设备.

China patent, ZL 2008 1 0051345.4, Nan Lv, Liguo Gao, Weifeng Wang, Juanyuan Hao, Lifeng Chi, 用微米级模板构筑亚微米或纳米级模板的方法.

China patent, ZL 2008 1 0051679.1,Nan Lv, Liguo Gao, Juanyuan Hao, Wei Hu, Gang Shi, Lifeng Chi, 选择性光褪色制备多色发光图案的方法.

China patent, ZL 2008 1 0050888.4, Nan Lv, Hongbo Xu, Dianpeng Qi, Liguo Gao, Lifeng Chi, 以单层纳米粒子为刻蚀阻挡层构筑抗反射微结构的方法.

China patent, ZL 2007 1 0055453.4, Nan Lv, Binjie Yang, Yunyu Huang, Lifeng Chi, 金属有序结构表面增强基底的构筑方法.

China patent, ZL 2006 1 0016743.3, Nan Lv, Wei Hu, Lifeng Chi, 一种构筑微米、亚微米结构表面的方法.

China patent, ZL 2006 1 0016744.8, Nan Lv, Wei Hu, Juanyuan Hao, Lifeng Chi, 基底诱导同一染料分子发不同颜色荧光的方法.

Germany Patent, 19928658, Michael Gleiche, Lifeng Chi,Harald Fuchs, Verfahren Zur Erzeugung geordneter Kanalstrukturen durch Benetzungwsinstabilitaeten.



Professional Certification and Awards

IUPAC Distinguished Women Sponsored by The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2017

ACS Nano Lectureship, Sponsored by the ACS, USA, 2016

Outstanding Young Scientist Cooperation Program, Sponsored by National Natural Science of China, China, 1999

Lise-Meitner Scholarship, Germany, 1997


Student Awards

Penghui Ji, Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) Foundation Scholarship, 2021

Kewei Sun, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan, 2020

Biao Yang, TUM University Foundation Fellowship (TUFF) Alumni, Technical University of Munich, Germany, 2019


Professional Society Membership

Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Foreign Academician, the Acadamia Europaea

Fellow, the World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries (TWAS)

Fellow, the Chinese Chemical Society, China